Can Osaka do better than Dubai?
Edouard Tripkovic Katayama Advisory Consultant

Expo 2020 Dubai
Universal Exhibition, popularly called Expo, are the world’s longest-running and largest mega-event attracting more visitors than FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games. Starting in 1851, the most extensive exhibition in the world is the synonym for the newest achievements in architecture, innovation, technology and environmental issues each country proudly shows and shares with the world. Dubai Expo is gathering 192 countries, the most ever, and it is the first time in history that each country has an independent pavilion.
This time, the theme is “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” with three subthemes “Opportunity”, “Mobility” and “Sustainability”. Each subtheme has a dedicated pavilion, Opportunity pavilion enquiring concepts and technologies how to increase the quality of life based on water, energy or food, and we can say it reflects 17 SDGs themes. Mobility pavilion brings the wisdom from everything in movement, from man, car, plane, rocket but also IT sector, while Sustainability pavilion says for itself, putting in one place the most developed natural source regeneration.
As it name says, Dubai Expo should take place in 2020, but with so many other events, SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) postponed the opening, and after more than one year, it took place from October 1st 2021. For 182 days, visitors have to discover fantastic architecture, more than 60 daily events from theatre, ballet, passing by poetry, concerts, opera, but also night lightning show, acrobats or 360 degrees videos. In addition, more than 200 restaurants offer the most exquisite world cuisine, with the delicacy and sense Michelin chefs’ creations. Visitors are also experiencing cuisine made by robotics and Virtual Reality dining.
Another first-time concept at Dubai Expo is that it was organized during Automn-Winter and not Spring-Summer as it was the custom since its establishment. That’s the reason Christmas, New Year Eve, Chinese New Year and International Women’s Day were celebrated for the first time inside the Expo site. In addition, Dubai Expo put all world citizens together, by celebrating Universal Children’s Day, Human Rights Day, Education Day, Happiness Day and many others.
The most business-minded concept was building an entirely new Dubai Exhibition Centre (DEC), just before the Expo site, so people need to pass through DEC to reach Expo entrances. Previous Expos were organized as a world showcase of the newest innovations but having different private and public sector exhibiting just near the Expo site made additional synergy creating many opportunities.
Lionel Messi, Critiano Ronaldo, Prince William, Queen Mathilde and King Philippe of Belgium, Usain Bolt, Prince Albert of Monaco, Andrea Bocelli are some celebrities who have visited Dubai Expo, the event not to miss in 2021/2022.
The organizers of Dubai Expo 2020 created a spectacular big scale event, combining technology, innovations, SDGs, Dubai Exhibition Centre, 1 pavilion per country and many other contents, offering an unforgetable experience. I was the most surprised when I acknowledged the Expo site would remain 90% after the Expo, becoming the symbol of legacy how the mega-events should be.
When you read this article, more than 15 million people have already visited Dubai Expo, most of them are UAE citizens and many visitors from abroad. It is an excellent success knowing Covid-19 made travelling abroad almost impossible for many countries, as is the case for Japan.
On May 3rd 2025, Osaka city in Japan will host the next Expo. We do not know yet what the content will look like and how Japan will welcome millions of local and foreign people, but we are already sure that it will not be an easy task to overcome Dubai Expo.